Posts Tagged ‘aging parents’

Are you concerned about your parent’s welfare?

Here are seven things to look for if you visit your aging parents. Once-organized drawers are crammed full of old documents, etc. The mailbox is full of donation requests. There's a pile of unpaid bills. There are mistakes in their checkbooks. The refrigerator is filled with expired food. The house is no longer clean. Reminder notes are everywhere.

Is Your Parent Driving Safely?

Your biggest concern, are they safe and making smart decisions before driving. Your aging parents have independence through driving, and it is problematic to remove this. However, they will have changes in their vision or hearing. Therefore, their safety is of the utmost importance.  Review the following video from ABC News.

Aging parents and their children are entering into legal agreements, “caregiver agreements,” in order to compensate children who are providing caregiving services.

Millions of Americans are now caring for their aging parents. Aging parents and their caregiving children are in difficult financial economic times. Consequently, the aging parents and their children are entering into legal agreements, “caregiver agreements,” in order to compensate children who are providing caregiving services. In preparing these caregiving agreements, families should consider the following: What types of services are being performed? Therefore, define the duties and responsibilities, of the parent and caregiving children How much compensation shall be paid to the caregiver? What services are being performed? What is reasonable compensation? Have all family members involved in the…

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When do you NEED HELP with someone with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia?

If you caregiving for an aging parent,or loved one, we are often asked, when do I need help? Here are some indicators that you may need help: Personal Care for the Dementia Patient – bathing; grooming etc. becomes problematic; Dealing with Aggressive Behaviors; they’re being Physical or have Overwhelming Issues; Halucinating etc. Caregiving From a Distance; Financial – Do we have enough assets? Asset Protection; How can we Afford the Nursing Home? When Caring Takes Its Toll on YOU – You are yelling and screaming; burnt out; angry; frustrated; Depressed – not sleeping; feeling sad; guilt; discouraged; Moving an aging…

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Effective strategies and techniques to care for your parents

There are nearly 10 million boomers raising kids while at the same time caring for at least one aging parent, according to the Pew Research Center. However, what is not discussed or written about, are effective strategies and techniques to care for your parents. You were raised and cared for, by your parents. However, now you are providing care for them. This role reversal role reversal can be problematic, and have consequences that you, your family, and your parents, are not prepared for. Also, it's hard to argue with a parent who you've been parented by them all of your…

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Do you have aging parents who still drive?

Your biggest concern, are they safe and making smart decisions before driving. Your parents have independence through driving, and it is problematic to remove this. However, they will have changes in their vision or hearing. Therefore, their safety is of the utmost importance. So here are some key driving tips. Make Sure They Regularly Have Their Vision and Hearing Checked In Maryland, seniors do not have to take regular driving tests to continue to have a driver’s license. Therefore, it’s important that regular hearing and eye checks are performed. If their hearing and/or vision deteriorates, this creates a slower response…

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So, can you get paid to care for your aging parents? Yes—under certain circumstances. But there are important rules to keep in mind. Otherwise, payments to you could end up costing your parents a lot more in the long run.

 Caring for elderly parents can become a family affair. Oftentimes family members question whether parents can “legally” pay for the help they receive from relatives. The short answer is yes, but you’ll need to make sure you follow some important guidelines. recently published an article for handy reference; here are their points on how an elder can pay a relative for care services at home. Gifts. Yes, parents can make gifts to a relative out of appreciation for care and assistance. But be careful. If your parent eventually needs Medicaid to help pay for long-term nursing care, any gifts…

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What can Senior Life Care Planning do for you and your aging parent?

When your parents need assistance with activities of daily living, who cannot live alone due to health problems, disability, or lack of home care services and support, Senior Life Care Planning is there to assess the situation, develop a life care plan which will take into account your parent's needs and goals, financial security, living arrangements, make them feel independent and dignified, and we also provide guidance, assistance and support.

What senior residential or care organizations do you trust?

As the aging demographic increases, more state and national resources are being shifted to taking care of seniors Medicare, Medicaid, Nursing Homes, Assisted Livings and Home Care agencies. Consequently, as more and more residential and service organizations are formed who do you trust to take of your aging parents? We at Senior Life Care Planning help seniors and their families independent and professional advice on your parent’s needs, requirements, how to pay for care, and their goals. Consequently, we can help you alleviate the fear of your parents and yourselves, with caring and compassionate professionals. It’s really important that you…

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When do your parents require assisted living placement?

As adult children of aging parents, you are facing tough decisions on moving your parents from their home to an assisted living facility. Parents do not want to lose their freedom, or leave their home. Additionally, you may be hesitant about the choice of the assisted living facility. Is it a good fit for my parents? How will they be treated? Can we afford this facility? What happens if the money runs out? Are we responsible for their costs? These are some indicators that your parent may need the additional services of an assisted living facility. Your parents are failing…

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