Posts Tagged ‘depression’

Depression in Seniors

Depression is a common problem in seniors, but it is rarely diagnosed. Even though those over the age of 65 account for 16 to 25 percent of all suicides in the country, there is very little treatment or services geared towards seniors. How can you make sure your aging parent isn’t in danger? Some Common Causes of Senior Depression     Adapting to a move from home to an apartment or retirement facility.     Chronic pain.     Feelings of isolation or loneliness as children move away and their spouse and close friends die.     Loss of independence (problems getting around, caring…

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Vulnerability of elderly to suicide

Seniors are the second age group most likely to commit suicide in the United States, with senior white men topping the demographic list. Generally, a suicidal crisis involves three characteristics: People believe that the emotional or physical pain they are experiencing is intolerable, inescapable and interminable. Therefore, people with a wish to commit suicide, need to be counseled in feeling more in control, able to change their circumstances and able to understand that the situation will not last forever. Socially isolated individuals are considerably more vulnerable than integrated or people with partners. Consequently, family and friends should observe for signs…

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Some Startling Senior Stats!

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is an organization whose goal is to improve the lives of seniors through education, intervention, and resources. The NCOA is also an excellent resource for statistics regarding the health of older Americans.  NCOA’s website . Disease A chronic disease is one that is long lasting or reoccurs in the same patient; examples include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Approximately 80% of seniors have at least one chronic disease, and 50% are dealing with at least two. The National Governors Association states that 75% of the national money spent on health care is used…

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When do you NEED HELP with someone with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia?

If you caregiving for an aging parent,or loved one, we are often asked, when do I need help? Here are some indicators that you may need help: Personal Care for the Dementia Patient – bathing; grooming etc. becomes problematic; Dealing with Aggressive Behaviors; they’re being Physical or have Overwhelming Issues; Halucinating etc. Caregiving From a Distance; Financial – Do we have enough assets? Asset Protection; How can we Afford the Nursing Home? When Caring Takes Its Toll on YOU – You are yelling and screaming; burnt out; angry; frustrated; Depressed – not sleeping; feeling sad; guilt; discouraged; Moving an aging…

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Caregiver dealing with Dementia Aggression Issues

This can be verbal or physical and often occurs when the stress level of the person with dementia has been exceeded. Often the person with dementia feels their personal space is being invaded. Depression is often associated with verbal outbursts. Dealing with an acute episode can include: • Speak slowly, maintain eye contact and be calm • Divert attention away from the event • Distract and redirect the person • Investigate your loved one’s fears and show an understanding of their distress • Minimize external stimuli • Avoid events that trigger a reoccurrence.
