Posts Tagged ‘diagnosis’

What Can You Do With Early Memory Loss?

Typical age-related memory loss and other changes compared to Alzheimer's Signs of Alzheimer's Typical age-related changes Poor judgment and decision making Making a bad decision once in a while Inability to manage a budget Missing a monthly payment Losing track of the date or the season Forgetting which day it is and remembering later Difficulty having a conversation Sometimes forgetting which word to use Misplacing things and being unable to retrace steps to find them Losing things from time to tim   If you notice any of these signs or any of the signs in the 10 Warning Signs of…

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Does My Parent Have Alzheimer’s disease?

Each year a million people begin to recognize they have a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) i.e. memory loss. Although, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, memory loss can decline due to:   Delirium (confusion due to infection, medication, acute illness) Depression (may include memory problems) Urinary tract infection Vitamin B 12 deficiency Thyroid problems Especially, if the memory loss or confusion occurs rapidly, this may indicate the above systems rather than Alzheimer’s disease. Generally, Alzheimer’s disease is a slow decline of cognition abilities. Consequently, contact a neurologist or a geriatrician to evaluate your loved one. Unfortunately, if dementia…

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