Sometimes deteriorating physical or health may make independent living impossible..

In the not too distant past residential options, for your aging parents, were a move to a nursing home or living with you. However, times have changed with assisted living facilities and home care agencies. Consequently, these options can potentially provide a new lease on life, for your parents, whether it be for a short time or for many years.

Home care varies, depending on your parent’s needs and resources, from full-time or part-time assistance.

Are you're parents unsteady on their feet, a fall risk, not taking their medications, eating enough, require some caregiving assistance, or help with housework? Therefore, foregoing the nursing home, you can provide for your parent’s needs so they are able to get on with their life, and not causing your stress or being a burden on you.

If you're parents have failed an eye exam or should or can no longer drive their car, that shouldn't be the end of their independent lives. If someone can provide a ride, or pick up your groceries, life can still go on.

Also, having some part-time home care can allow your parents to remain at home, if they can no longer take care of themselves. Consequently, they can still reside in their own homes and sleep in their own beds, and you have peace of mind.

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