Some hints for determining your aging parent’s ability to drive.

Ride along: Take a rides with your parents and observe their physical ability in controlling the vehicle, staying within the lane, how turns are handled, the driving speed, ability to scan from left to right, any visual susceptibility to glare, and for any possible confusion in traffic.

Check the vehicle: Periodically and without fanfare, check the outside of the car for any possible dents or scrapes.

Accompany your parent at least once to every medical specialist and service or treatment center and, and have him or her sign a release of confidentiality (HIPPA) form. This will ensure that you are aware of every one and service involved medically.

Call the local Department (Area or Agency) on Aging to learn about local transportation services i.e. public transit, specialized transit (door-to-door service typically by minibuses) and even volunteers who provide chauffeur service.

If you determine that your parents are capable of driving, suggest they enroll in a Mature Driving course i.e AARP. Such enrollment may even qualify your parent for a discount on auto insurance.


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