Veterans of Frederick and Montgomery County, Maryland can now get help accessing benefits and programs offered by federal and state governments to assist veterans

Veterans of Frederick and Montgomery County, Maryland can now get help accessing benefits and programs offered by federal and state governments to assist veterans i.e.  monetary, medical services, housing, military funerals and more that they are entitled to from Senior Life Care Planning’s offices.

Veterans’ need services, and many do not know where to turn for assistance, states David Wingate of Senior Life Care Planning. He added that in order to obtain these benefits, there is a mountain of very time-consuming paperwork. Also, they face many hurdles to get the benefits they deserve. It’s been well documented that the Veterans Administration can do a better job helping veterans.

“Our goal is not to supersede any existing programs, but to assist our veterans in finding what programs they deserve.

For more in to increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Maryland Veterans Benefits

We also have a Blog on Elder Issues and Veteran's Benefits.

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