Retirees Are Returning to the Workforce

Harriet Moravec retired in 1985. But it didn't last forever. Her
retirement fund shriveled up, "and then in 2008 the government had fun
with what was left," Moravec said. So what else could she do? About nine
months ago, after more than 25 years out of the workforce, the 90-year-old
Kenai resident got a job. And she's quite happy. Moravec is not the only senior
on the Kenai Peninsula who has left retirement to rejoin the workforce. From
2005 to 2011, 5.7 percent more Alaska residents 65 and older and 4.4 percent
more 55 to 64-year-old residents have joined the workforce, according to the
March edition of Alaska
Economic Trends
. Alyssa Shanks, economist for the Alaska Department
of Labor in Anchorage, said there are many possible explanations for why more
seniors are entering the workforce and just as many predictions about the
impact it could have on the economy, state-wide and locally.

Source/more: Anchorage Daily News  

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