Planning your estate is an important step in ensuring the financial security of your family when you are gone.

Planning your estate is an important step in ensuring the financial security of your family when
you are gone. This is especially true if you have a loved one who is disabled, although in this case even
more planning may be necessary. If you are responsible for the welfare of someone with special needs,
you may want to look more closely at establishing some type of Special Needs Trust.
According to the New York Times, “Interest in the (Special Needs) Trusts has been growing over
the last decade, but despite the many advantages the trusts offer, some people still shy away from
These special types of trusts allow you to supplement any government benefits to which your
loved one may be entitled, without disqualifying them from receiving those benefits. This way, you can
make the most of those benefits while still providing financial support for your loved one’s wellbeing.

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