The Elder Law Office of David Wingate Invites you to attend our Dutch’s Daughter Client Appreciation Breakfast Event Event to be held on April 20th



5 Things to Do Today!


Although you may make all the right financial moves, the economy
might not be so cooperative. There could be more bear markets and recessions
before and during retirement. Taxes may increase to pay for the growing
national debt, which is growing ever larger with the recent billion-dollar
stimulus and bailout programs and the rising entitlements of Medicare and
Social Security. Energy prices could spike; inflation could eat away at more
of your purchasing power. Part of setting realistic expectations about the
future is understanding that you will probably experience, and need to
overcome, more than one financial setback or stumbling block during your


We want to show you how to develop sound investment and
financial strategies that will help you pursue your goals and weather
financial turmoil. Join us for an educational client event that will focus


*   Five things you can do to take control of your financial future

*   How your investing personality can affect your financial

*   Methods for choosing an appropriate asset allocation for your

*   Retirement savings strategies for today's uncertain financial

*   How you can begin investing for the long term

*   Ways to establish a wealth preservation plan through estate



When you attend the educational client event, you will receive a
full-color, 24-page workbook on how to take control of your financial situation.
This valuable resource contains essential information, exercises, and
questions that will help you assess your current situation and make sound
financial decisions.


Event will be held in Frederick, MD from 10:00
AM  – 12:00 Noon at the Dutch's Daughter Restaurant. The address is 581
Himes Avenue, Frederick, MD 21703

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