Posts Tagged ‘Medicare Advantage Plans’

What are the two choices for Medicare Coverage?

There's Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans, also called Part C. Original Medicare is in two sub sections—Medicare Part A and Part B. People can choose to have either one, or both parts. Paying a deductible is required for either one, and usually a patient must pay a fee each time they get services. Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) can be added by joining a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Costs and benefits vary by plan. (see below for more on Part D) A Medicare Supplement Insurance policy can be purchased to help pay some of the health care costs,…

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Medicare Advantage plans can save older Americans money, but difficulty choosing among the many available plans often prevents them from realizing substantial cost-savings.

 Did you know Medicare’s annual election period is just around the corner, October 15 through December 7, to be precise? Now is the time to evaluate your options. Should you stick with your current plan, or is it time to make a change? Would you be better off using Medicare classic or is a Medicare Advantage Plan the e-ticket? This is not planning that you should take lightly, especially when it comes to Medicare Advantage plans. According to a recent article on MarketWatch many seniors simply end up paying too much. Why? Because they either didn’t take the time to…

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